

Namespace: AntaniXml

This module provides support for simple types featuring multiple facets. For example when a simple type has both a Length facet and a pattern.

Nested types and modules


a generator paired with a property satisfied by its samples

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
all gens x
Signature: gens:ConstrGen<'?7428> list -> x:'?7428 -> bool
Type parameters: '?7428

logical and of the properties of all generators in a list

canParse parse x
Signature: parse:('?7437 -> '?7438) -> x:'?7437 -> bool
Type parameters: '?7437, '?7438
lexMap m g
Signature: m:LexMap<'b> -> g:ConstrGen<'b> -> ConstrGen<string>
Type parameters: 'b
map f g
Signature: f:('b -> 'b) -> g:ConstrGen<'b> -> ConstrGen<'b>
Type parameters: 'b
mix gens
Signature: gens:ConstrGen<'a> list -> Gen<'a>
Type parameters: 'a

mix generators by choosing the best (if can be reasonably built) and enforcing on it also the properties of the other ones

probe samplesNo gens
Signature: samplesNo:int -> gens:ConstrGen<'?7430> list -> (ConstrGen<'?7430> * ('?7430 list * '?7430 list)) list
Type parameters: '?7430

each generator is paired with two lists: the first list with the samples satisfying the properties of all the generators, the other list with the remaining samples

tryParse parse x
Signature: parse:('?7434 -> '?7435) -> x:'?7434 -> '?7435 option
Type parameters: '?7434, '?7435
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