

Namespace: AntaniXml

This is where elements and types (simple and complex) defined in a schema are mapped to random generators. Complex generators are composed using FsCheck combinators.

Functions and values

Function or valueDescription
decreaseSize x
Signature: x:int -> int
genAtom _arg1
Signature: _arg1:XsdAtomicType -> Facets -> Gen<string>
genAttribute (xsdAttribute, xsdUse)
Signature: (xsdAttribute:XsdAttribute * xsdUse:XsdAttributeUse) -> Gen<XAttribute option>
genElement xsdElement
Signature: xsdElement:XsdElement -> Gen<XElement>
genElementCustom (...)
Signature: customGenerators:Maps -> xsdElement:XsdElement -> Gen<XElement>
Signature: XsdSimpleType -> Gen<string>
mapName xsdName
Signature: xsdName:XsdName -> XName
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